The "Kriegshund" animation is a series of shorts following a soldier, whose sanity has crumbled into murderous hallucinations as he wades through the indiscriminate carnage of early 20th century trench warfare. From a conceptual standpoint, focus on the psychological necrosis of the individual when submerged in a world of slaughter was the primary driver of the work.
Stylistically, the animation is a sepia-toned graphic form of crime noir. To further the graphic aesthetic, the animation was made to operate as if it were a moving halftone printed comic book, paired with a rough illustrative line quality. The shots, transitions and panel layouts of the animation follow a traditional comic framing convention.
To bring this character study to fruition, a variety of animation techniques were utilized. The majority of the process revolved around frame-by-frame hand drawn animation. Computer generated 3D elements and rotoscoped footage were incorporated to aid the hand drawn work. From a methodological perspective, the desire was to seamlessly blend multiple techniques so that no distinction could be made between the original animation elements.